Customizing your Desktop

You may customize your Visual Codec Desktop to suit your needs. You may use single or multiple desktops, and enable or disable the neighborhoods.

Using a single desktop will display all your encoded files under one desktop.

Using multiple desktops will display all your encoded files under different desktops. This will make organizing your different encoded files easier by their type, but may clutter your desktop if there are too many file types available (try dissociating unused codecs from their plugins to solve this problem).

Using the neighborhoods is higly recommended, but can be disabled. Each neighborhood will appear under its corresponding desktop.

To customize your Desktop:

  1. Click Options, then click Desktop.

  2. Choose your settings. A preview of your settings will be displayed as you make your selections.

  3. Click OK to save your settings.

The changes will be applied the next time you start Visual Codec Studio.

Related Topics

Associating Plugins with Codecs
Disabling the Codec Neighborhood